IRA to Roth Conversion Calculator
This calculator that will help you to compare the estimated consequences of keeping your Traditional IRA as is, versus converting your Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.
Assumptions: This calculator assumes you will keep your Roth IRA for at least 5-years and you won't withdraw any funds until age 59-1/2. The calculator also assumes your return on investment remains constant and that you will remain in the indicated federal tax bracket for each period (conversion may or may not push you into a higher tax bracket for the year of conversion). Finally, the calculator does not account for any state taxes or AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax). All results are hypothetical, so be sure to consult a qualified tax professional before making any decisions regarding your existing IRA.
Current age:
Age at retirement (start making withdrawals):
Number of years to receive income:
Pre-retirement rate of return on investments (% before tax):
Post-retirement rate of return on investments (% before tax):
Current federal income tax bracket (%):
Federal income tax bracket during retirement (%):
Current IRA balance:
Non-deductable (pre-taxed) portion of current IRA balance:
Conversion tax will be paid from:
At Conversion
Traditional IRA
Roth IRA
Current deductible portion of IRA:
Non-deductible portion of current IRA:
Forgone investment amount used to pay conversion tax:
Conversion amount:
Conversion tax paid from IRA:
Comparison balance:
From Now Until Retirement Age
Traditional IRA
Roth IRA
Estimated deductible portion of balance:
Estimated non-deductible portion of balance:
Estimated of forgone investment value:
Estimated Roth IRA balance:
Estimated value at retirement:
During Retirement
Traditional IRA
Roth IRA
Annual after-tax income from deductible portion:
Annual after-tax income from non-deductible portion:
Annual forgone investment income:
Annual Roth IRA income:
Comparison Totals
Traditional IRA
Roth IRA
Total annual after-tax income:
Total monthly after-tax income: